“Those dealing with foot and nail care, whether as a older person or younger adult, understand just how frustrating it can be to assess and attend to it. Podi Podiatry knows how to get older people interested in and engaging them by showing how well it works for them and treat them with knowledge and expertise. A perfect example is that there is not even a single concern from anyone at Southern Cross Care Carmelite regarding Podi Podiatry's service. Our consumers at Carmelite love Podi Podiatry's visit every time and look forward for the next one …”
Lijo Kurian
Residential Site Manager
Carmelite Southern Cross Care
Podi Podiatry has attended Dunbar Homes for many years. Our residents have always provided excellent feedback about Podi Podiatry’s service and we were very happy to have retained this service.
The reduction in cost to the organisation by having Podi Podiatry as a provider are significant as we no longer pay ‘the middle man’ for our podiatry services. Podi Podiatry has great rapport with our staff team and our residents receive a wonderful podiatry service.
Cathy Power
CEO Dunbar Homes
Foot care delivered to the consumers by Podi Podiatry was a solid endorsement for me when I required podiatry services.
CNC Aminya Homes
I love helping each consumer I see and know I can help them in some way, its great to see the smile on their face after I treat their feet. I always check to see how they are going overall taking the time to ask a few questions and letting staff know if their are any issues.
Podiatrist Podi Podiatry
Lijo Kurian
Residential Site Manager
Carmelite Southern Cross Care
Podi Podiatry has attended Dunbar Homes for many years. Our residents have always provided excellent feedback about Podi Podiatry’s service and we were very happy to have retained this service.
The reduction in cost to the organisation by having Podi Podiatry as a provider are significant as we no longer pay ‘the middle man’ for our podiatry services. Podi Podiatry has great rapport with our staff team and our residents receive a wonderful podiatry service.
Cathy Power
CEO Dunbar Homes
Foot care delivered to the consumers by Podi Podiatry was a solid endorsement for me when I required podiatry services.
CNC Aminya Homes
I love helping each consumer I see and know I can help them in some way, its great to see the smile on their face after I treat their feet. I always check to see how they are going overall taking the time to ask a few questions and letting staff know if their are any issues.
Podiatrist Podi Podiatry